What we did
Visual concept
Graphic design
Terre Boscaratto is a family-run agricultural company that is affiliated with the Italian Federation of Independent Winegrowers.
Prosecco Extra Dry is its most prized product, and it was for this reason that we saw the need for a new label, as well as seal and packaging, which would visually represent the company's values, embraced by an image that is authentic and elegant, like Terre Boscaratto Extra Dry.
A graphic motif made up of intersecting golden lines recreates the silhouettes of the Prosecco hills, and is therefore idea around which the company's visual identity centers.
The design's fluidity recalls wine being poured into a glass and the bouquets inebriating one's sense of smell, while the golden threads revolve and wrap themselves around the bottle. The new label changed how the product was perceived and added value to the wine itself.
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